Saturday, November 12, 2011

Time's Winged Chariot

I don't smell the fœtid odor of the "fine and private place" quite yet, but I am more conscious that it lurks around the corner.  Today, Jay is 20 years old.   He's probably asleep right now, as it's 3 am and I have just woken up (I cannot shake this persistent jetlag).

Actually he's not asleep.  He and Trisdee just walked into my office.  They have been having dinner together at the late-night Sri Fa which is next to my house and which stays open very late.  I think they tried to invite me, but I couldn't be awakened.

Now, they have  gone to bed so here I am, trapped in this jetlag cycle, saying highly personal things to total strangers in the nebulous nowhere called the net.

Here's a video of me, Jay, Trisdee, and Jacopo fooling around in the recording studio at Assumption University.... I am not going to go back to attempting to create the vocal score/piano reduction of my requiem for Princess Galyani ... this took two years to compose, but doing the vocal score isn't taking that long except now I am stuck on the last movement where everything plays together for the first time ... the seven soloists, three choirs, orchestra, organ, brass band, etc etc....  aaaaah ... how to make it possible for a single pianist to get through a rehearsal?  I don't know.

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