Monday, January 25, 2010

Right at the Curve?

 David Giler sent me an article from the SPECTATOR, and it says that the three most significant events that define the last century in classical music are the following:

1. Mahler become a universal icon
2.The discovery of Janacek's operas in the non-Czech-speaking world
3. The rise of regional opera companies.

This is a truly extraordinary list of things, but if it is true, it puts Bangkok Opera at the top of the curve.

1. We're pioneering the first complete Mahler Cycle in Thailand.
2. We have discussed with a prominent director from Covent Garden a new production of "Jenufa" forThailand in 2011.
3. What do is practically the Platonic Ideal of the words" "rising", "regional" and, maybe, even opera company!

Makes you think, doesn't it?

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