Friday, October 15, 2010

On the Eve of a Premiere

In a few hours my new opera, The Silent Prince, will premiere in Houston.  By a curious and aggravating set of circumstances that is nobody's fault, I won't be there, so I'll have to watch it on video shortly afterwards....

I won't be the first composer to miss a premiere of course.  Wagner didn't show up when King Ludwig of Bavaria jumped the gun and insisted on doing parts of The Ring in Munich.  But Wagner didn't show up because he was pissed off; I'm not.  But I keep hearing from all the people involved about how brilliant it's going to be, and I hope that anyone who likes my work, who can make it to Houston on Friday the 15th will do their best to come.   Here in fact is the link:

I've wanted to compose a stage work about Temiya, the Silent Prince, for at least fifteen years, though I must admit that at first I conceived it as a ballet.  Why?  Well, the hero is silent.  By it's very nature, it can't be an opera.  Or can it?

I just wrote a very long analysis of my opera for all of my readers, and then, before I pushed "save", the power went out in my street and all the lights went out....

I'm not sure I can dredge it back up from the recesses of my ageing brain.  So, here's a link to a website I created that talks about the opera a bit....  THE SILENT PRINCE

I'll get back on later ... meanwhile I wish all the performers ... a brave lot as it's not the easiest opera in the world to sing and play ... a wild and wonderful time tonight.... and a very heartfelt toi toi toi....


  1. Why don't you invest two thousand baht in UPS - uninterrupted power supply unit that would keep you going for half an hour on batteries in case of black outs? If you plug your modem in it, too, you won't even lose the internet connection.

  2. You are to be admired:single handedly putting Thailand on the Opera map and letting us enjoy some beautiful music.You really earn {a} medal{s}Only problem is that the happenings always taken place in Bangkok.Living in the Isahn it is quite difficult to enjoy the performances.Nevertheless please continue!Egon
